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This offers a package of chocolatey goodness to take any "guilty" feelings out of your indulgence to truly enjoy at any time or occasion.

Naturally free from gluten & free from refined sugar, just natural healthy wholefood delicious dusted truffles.


Made to order offering you absolute freshness and taste. Super healthy options to keep at the office, car, after school snacks or sharing at a dinner party or a treat just for you!

The different products will also be delightfully packaged - ideal to be gifted to others...if you wish to!


Please advice me of any allergies/intolerances as these goodies often contain nuts.

Chocolate Power Truffles (x8+truffles)

£15.85 Regular Price
£13.85Sale Price
  • This order is a flat rate shipping of £2.99  2nd Class.

    If you are sending it to a friend as a birthday gift, I will include a wee birthday card for FREE if you would like. We would suggest in this case, that the recipient knows a box will be arriving & I can add your name onto the card for you so they know its from you when its opened.

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