Good Nutrition creates health in all areas of our body, every aspect is interconnected.
Here are only a few testimonials from customers and clients who have experienced the really positive effects from, sometimes, just a wee change in lifestyle/menu to enjoy good food and good feelings!
"The Kimchi really has made a huge difference and tastes so fresh and delicious, I eat it straight on its own".
"I had a wonderful time and am now motivated to increase my raw food intake".
"The Onion Crackers are INCREDIBLE!".
"I have learnt the health benefits of certain foods and how to create more flavour in meals".
"Looking forward to making kombucha & fermented veg at home after buying a SCOBY Kit".
"the small class size made it easy to interact...great to share and learn how to adapt recipes".
"I would recommend the class to friends".
Lifestyle Change
“just a note to say thank you for coming round, I really enjoyed the visit…bit of a revelation actually…
my guts have significantly improved…”
(Client after just a few days post consultation)
“you have so many good ideas & tips I never thought about or considered & some of it seems so obvious now!”
(Client after HH Consultation)
"Oh,that's ok,I could drink that again"
(Natural Electrolyte "GO! Drink" Client)
“those energy / booster bars really worked…gave me the ideal lift I needed during work & before the gym”
(Regular Personalised Food Package Client)
Relaxed Outlook
"I felt so relaxed, slept amazingly well & felt ready in the morning to start the day the best way possible...eating healthier options, thank you Caroline for your Indian Head Massage & food sessions".